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Differences Between BBL Vs IPL Treatments

Differences Between BBL Vs IPL Treatments

The skin is considered our body’s first line of defense. 

It gets direct exposure to the sun’s UV radiation, pollution, smoke, and many other harmful substances. Aside from this, heredity and aging can also cause it to produce unwanted substances that cause it to wrinkle and sag. 

How can we rejuvenate our skin from these conditions? One way is through IPL and BBL skin treatments.

These non-invasive light therapies have been tested and proven to effectively treat skin conditions for many years. In this guide, we’ll take a deep dive into IPL and BBL treatments and explain how they differ from each other. We’ll also explain how they work and what you should do after treatment. 

BBL vs. IPL: A Quick Comparison

BBL and IPL differ in many ways but share some basic similarities. 

  • Both use non-invasive light waves to rejuvenate and replenish the skin.
  • Both treat skin imperfections in any area of the body. 
  • The treatment duration of both BBL and IPL can last anywhere from six to twelve months, depending on specific patient issues.
  • The number of treatments for both procedures varies from patient to patient.
  • Neither requires injections or incisions.
  • Avoiding sun exposure after the treatment is important for both.

BBL vs. IPL: The Differences

Both BBL and IPL have made their mark as two of the most effective non-surgical methods for restoring skin health. But the two are not the same. 

Both treatments use light filtered at different wavelengths to treat skin conditions and restore youthful skin. BBL targets skin imperfections at the source, i.e., below the skin surface. 

IPL, on the other hand, targets hemoglobin and melanin in the upper skin, eliminating hyperpigmentation spots. Today, IPL is best used to treat scarring, enlarged pores, sun spots, and dilated blood vessels.

What Is BBL?

BBL stands for BroadBand Light Therapy and is a more advanced version of IPL. The BBL technology utilizes the power of intense pulsed light to deliver superior results in photorejuvenation treatments. 

BBL is a safe, FDA-cleared option for reversing aging, repairing sun damage, and rejuvenating the skin while maintaining no downtime. Since it’s a more advanced option, it’s often described as “the next generation of IPL.”

How Does It Work?

BBL uses IPL (Intense Pulse Light)—the world’s most powerful lasers—to set new standards regarding skin rejuvenation and the number of conditions it can treat.

Unlike IPL devices, BBL features state-of-the-art cooling systems. This helps BBL treatments remain one of the most comfortable procedures in the skin care industry, with minimal pain and side effects. 

Ideally, the treatment works by drawing on the powers of light and heat energy. It targets cell pigments located deep within the skin. 

This makes it ideal for treating serious skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, aging skin, bruising, birthmarks, pigmentation, and sagging skin. Additionally, it stimulates the skin’s natural ability to produce collagen and repair discoloration. 

What Is IPL?

IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. IPL therapy uses a handheld device that is passed over the skin surface to deliver pulses of broad-spectrum light into the skin. It’s one of the first photorejuvenation technologies ever invented. 

How Does It Work?

IPL works by heating the top layers of the skin, which stimulates the skin cells to produce new collagen and elastin. These chemical compounds help restore the skin to its natural, youthful glow. 

The target of IPL energy can be burst blood vessels, pigmented skin, or microbes that cause acne. Heat energy is directed towards the melanin and hemoglobin below the skin surface, destroying the darker particles and making the redness and inflammation less visible. 

IPL is commonly used to treat:

Most people with skin care problems need 3 to 5 treatments spaced one month apart to see results, depending on the affected area of the skin and the extent of the damage.  

The Dos and the Don’ts After Treatment

If you’re a sun-loving Canadian (who isn’t), you may need to make some changes to your routine after treatment. 

We’re all at the risk of the damaging effects of UV rays, but after IPL or BBL treatment, your skin becomes more sensitive to this radiation. 

Avoid direct sun exposure by all means. You should cover your skin completely and use a good sunscreen whenever you go outside. You’ll also want to avoid applying makeup over the treated area. 

The Verdict: Which Is the Better Option?

Many skin care experts agree that BBL is the gold standard for skin rejuvenation. After all, BBL’s state-of-the-art technology is far superior to IPL tech. 

Besides, BBL is the only treatment method that can change the state of genes associated with aging and longevity. A study published in the NIH journal found that BBL altered genes on a molecular level to restore skin to its natural, youthful glow. 

But BBL will not always be the best option for all cases. The unique condition should dictate the choice of a treatment method that a patient faces.

Contact Skin Technique today for a consultation to discover which treatment plan will work best for you. 


Skin Technique